school irrigation brisbane turf
The amount of your school water bill is always a large expense and hard to control. There’s normally a lot of grass to maintain from playgrounds to sports fields. Kids require a safe, soft playing surface, but at what cost is this to the school to keep green? Schools are making smart choices and investing in low maintenance irrigation systems. These systems reduce the time spent by your maintenance team looking after the lawn but also saves the school money.

Save money with irrigation at your school

Maintaining school ovals and fields, keeping them green and lush while making them available for recreational use, is a challenge for the most experienced school management team. An irrigation system can help your school effortlessly manage this process, resulting in the most cost-effective outcome for your school budget, while providing green, inviting parks and ovals for your students, teachers and visitors.

Water is expensive and only getting more so. School property usually includes significant space allocated to playgrounds and sports fields. These tend to use more water than a commercial space of the same size. As much as 70% of the water on a school’s water bill is often used for landscape.

Reducing the amount of water used and the resources required to manage irrigation can lower costs and improve efficiency. Most importantly, any monies saved can be redirected to the classroom.

School irrigation services

Look for a company with experience in the pump and irrigation industry. When working with clubs and courses that have existing facilities, you want a company to work with you very closely to minimise impact on your users while carrying out essential installations and upgrades.


At Turf Green we are installers of Natural Grass and Turf in SE QLD. Contact us today if you want to talk about turf.